What is a Connect Group?
Connect groups are communities of people who meet weekly throughout Liverpool and are made up of people from all walks of life.
Every group does things a bit differently, but each looks at the bible together, and supports and prays for one another.
Why do we meet in these groups?
We believe God created us to live in community with other people, and not just with people who are similar to us, but with people from all stages of life and backgrounds.
Living out faith in God shouldn't be something we work out on our own; it's in the context of meaningful relationships that we learn and grow in faith.
God himself is a community; He is Father, Spirit and Jesus, the Son. They display perfect love; love that isn’t selfish or demanding, but giving and generous.
In our Connect Groups, we are learning to do the same!
We want everyone to have a life giving community where they are.
How do I join a Connect group?
Maurice co ordinates Connect groups, so if you'd like to get involved get in touch with him.