Exploring Christianity?

Opportunities to explore your questions about life, faith and Christian beliefs

Many of us have questions about life, faith and Christian beliefs, which we don't often get a chance to talk about openly.

We run three different Exploring courses during the year

Autumn | Life Explored

Spring | Christianity Explored

Summer | Discipleship Explored

this term we will be running discipleship explored

Are you interested in knowing what being 'In Christ' means for you?

Discipleship Explored is an eight-session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians.Anyone is very welcome to join, no matter how much or little they know about Jesus, so feel free to join, and to invite others too.

It will be a friendly, warm and open time looking at the amazing letter of Phillippians and what it means to be ‘In Christ’.

The evenings will be at 15 Hope Place (L1 9BG), and will move through the material with a mixture of watching film, whole group discussion and discussion in breakout groups.  

Anyone is very welcome to join, no matter how much or little you know about Jesus, so feel free to join, and to invite others with you! Feel free to sign up via ChurchSuite, or via the embed below!