Kids Ministry

Kids of every age are an important part of our church family life!

We want kids to have loads of fun , and to grow in knowing who Jesus is and what it means to live by faith in him.

We prayerfully long for kids to grow up to know and trust in Jesus for themselves for their whole lives.

All the kids' work runs to support parents in discipling their children. 

Sundays for kids

Every Sunday Service we provide fun filled activity sessions. The kids join us for the first part of the service, and there's a slot especially for them, and then go out to their age groups.

Age groups:

0-2 yrs | Babies 

2-4 yrs | Tots 

5-7 |  Mini Kids 

7-11 | Kids

11-18 | YConnect ( alternating weeks)

If you'd like your baby to stay with you throughout the service, there's seating and a speaker in the hallway so you can still listen, but without the concern of noise.

All kids need to be registered for their group before they attend

You can fill in the form online below.

Or you can fill it in on the day. You'll find the registration forms with the Welcome team at the 'New Here Start Here' area in the main hall.

yConnect is our ministry for 11-18yr olds

yConnect is a weekly Friday night youth group, and the group meets on alternate weeks on a Sunday morning during the service.

We run a weekly 'Stay and Play' on Wednesdays

Our baby and toddler group during term time

Do you have questions?

If you'd like to know anything about the Kids Work, do get in touch